
Environment 1 Hour Count Last
Vips::Error in active_storage/representations/redirect#show
VipsForeignSave: "/tmp/image_processing20240727-2-slclho.jfif" is n...
  • production
  • 11mo old
  • 3h ago
production 0 1K 3h
undefined method `call' for nil
  • production
  • 11mo old
  • 5h ago
production 0 1.5K 5h
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in developers#index
PG::ReadOnlySqlTransaction: ERROR: cannot execute INSERT in a read...
  • production
  • 16d old
  • 16d ago
production 0 1 16d
Waited 3.0 seconds
  • production
  • 10mo old
  • 17d ago
production 0 30 17d
Unknown subscription change: {"data"=>[{"subscription_items"=>[{"id...
  • production
  • 2y old
  • 19d ago
production 0 1.2K 19d
Connection timed out - user specified timeout
  • production
  • 1mo old
  • 25d ago
production 0 3 25d
ActionView::Template::Error in Noticed::DeliveryMethods::Email#perform
undefined method `name' for nil
  • production
  • >1y old
  • 1mo ago
production 0 20 1mo
NoMethodError in ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob#perform
undefined method `user' for nil
  • production
  • 5mo old
  • 1mo ago
production 0 60 1mo
NoMethodError in ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob#perform
undefined method `user' for nil
  • production
  • 1mo old
  • 1mo ago
production 0 2 1mo
Postmark::TimeoutError in Noticed::DeliveryMethods::Email#perform
  • production
  • 2y old
  • 3mo ago
production 0 6 3mo
Postmark::InvalidEmailAddressError in users#create
Invalid 'To' address: 'business.wendyam+@gmail'.
  • production
  • 4mo old
  • 4mo ago
production 0 1 4mo
Connection timed out - user specified timeout
  • production
  • 6mo old
  • 4mo ago
production 0 15 4mo
NoMethodError in ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob#perform
undefined method `user' for nil:NilClass
  • production
  • >1y old
  • 6mo ago
production 0 20 6mo
Fathom::Error in rake open_startup:refresh_metrics
Your request exceeded the API rate limit. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lan...
  • production
  • 8mo old
  • 7mo ago
production 0 6 7mo
Vips::Error in active_storage/representations/redirect#show
/tmp/ActiveStorage-11658-20231214-2-khajts.avif: bad seek to 4441 h...
  • production
  • 2y old
  • 8mo ago
production 0 1 8mo
Connection timed out - user specified timeout
  • production
  • 1y old
  • 8mo ago
production 0 35 8mo
Connection refused - connect(2) for
  • production
  • 9mo old
  • 9mo ago
production 0 6 9mo
Postmark::InactiveRecipientError in ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob#perform
You tried to send to recipient(s) that have been marked as inactive...
  • production
  • 2y old
  • 9mo ago
production 0 3 9mo
ActionView::Template::Error in AttachSignedHiringAgreementJob#perform
Your document includes text that's not compatible with the Windows-...
  • production
  • 10mo old
  • 10mo ago
production 0 3 10mo
No space left on device @ dir_s_mkdir - /app/tmp/cache/DD7/F00
  • production
  • 10mo old
  • 10mo ago
production 0 153 10mo
No space left on device @ fptr_finalize_flush - /app/tmp/cache/.rac...
  • production
  • 10mo old
  • 10mo ago
production 0 1 10mo
undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass
  • production
  • 1y old
  • 11mo ago
production 0 554 11mo